To learn more about ASG Security in the Greater Los Angeles Area, we offer this list of frequently asked questions (FAQ). When you need additional information, call us at 855-699-1819 or click here to schedule services today at your property.
Your hardware purchase includes the cost of security system installation, so you do not have to pay anything additional. Contact ASG Security immediately to discuss your requirements and obtain an estimate.
Yes, while you can install your security system yourself, many of our clients prefer to leave the installation to specialists. Allowing professionals to set up your smart home eliminates the problems associated with connecting different devices to both the Wi-Fi and the main hub. Bear in mind that if your system is set up wrongly, it may be more open to security risks.
Your system could be installed the day after you order your ASG Security, Home security package. Our technician availability may be slightly delayed depending on where you live due to strong demand in certain locations. To arrange an appointment or to check installation availability in your area, contact ASG Security.
It takes about three hours on average to install a security system. Based on your security package and the size of your home, our customer service professionals can give you a better sense of how long your installation or servicing will take.